Learn How to Write Smart Contracts Using ChatGPT

Learn How to Write Smart Contracts Using ChatGPT


4 min read

Smart contracts, powered by blockchain technology, have changed the way we handle transactions by automatically executing agreements without intermediaries. Likewise, Artificial Intelligence is transforming industries by automating tasks and making smart decisions. In this article, we'll look into how solidity smart contracts and ChatGPT collaborate to enhance efficiency.

Understanding Solidity Smart Contracts

Solidity is a high-level programming language used to write smart contracts on blockchains like Ethereum. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Once deployed on a blockchain network, these contracts automatically execute predefined actions when predetermined conditions are met, without the need for human intervention. It ensures transparency, security, and efficiency in various applications, including finance, supply chain management, and decentralized applications (DApps).

Although in some areas they cannot act smart and make decisions. They are not capable of handling unexpected situations since they only follow specific instructions. AI Bots such as Chat GPT can be used for various tasks like coding, automating tasks, and reacting to unforeseen situations accordingly.

Solidity-AI Integration: Use Cases

  • Insurance: Smart contracts integrated with AI can assess insurance claims more efficiently by analyzing multimedia data like images and videos to determine the validity of claims, reducing the need for manual processing and preventing fraud.

  • Healthcare: Smart contracts can manage patient data securely while AI algorithms analyze medical records to provide personalized treatment recommendations. Additionally, AI can facilitate automatic claims processing and fraud detection in healthcare insurance contracts.

  • Financial Services: AI-powered smart contracts can offer personalized financial services such as investment advice and risk management strategies based on individual user profiles and market trends.

  • Supply Chain Management: AI can optimize supply chain processes by analyzing various factors like demand forecasts, production capacities, and transportation routes. Smart contracts can then execute transactions and trigger actions autonomously based on AI-generated insights.

Deploying Smart Contracts with ChatGPT and Remix IDE

ChatGPT for Smart Contract Creation

To use Chat GPT sign up here. Once you Log in you will see a similar interface as here:

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Let us ask ChatGPT to write a simple ERC20 token contract. Use the template below:

As an expert in smart contract development, create a Solidity smart contract that implements an ERC20 token named BuildBear (symbol: BB) with an initial supply of 1000000 tokens. The constructor should set the owner as the deployer. Include functions for minting (restricted to the owner), burning, and transferring tokens.

ChatGPT will generate a specific code for you. You will get a similar contract like this:

Compiling and Deploying with Remix IDE and BuildBear Plugin

After ChatGPT generates the code, proceed to Remix IDE here.

Create a new file named 'token.sol' and paste the generated code. Compile the contract using Remix IDE, utilizing ChatGPT for error fixes if needed.

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Deploy the contract using the BuildBear Plugin on Remix IDE, following the detailed guide here.

To activate the BuildBear plugin, open the Remix Plugin Manager, search for "BuildBear", and click "Activate".

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Start by selecting the desired blockchain network for your sandbox and clicking "Create Testnet".


After a brief moment, your private sandbox will come to life, displaying its details in a format similar to the image below:

image (1).png

Click on Add to Metamask button and try deploying and interacting with contract. Make sure to add test tokens to MetaMask for testing purposes.

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Congratulations we have successfully implemented the ERC20 token using ChatGPT.


In conclusion, the integration of Solidity smart contracts with AI through ChatGPT presents a compelling opportunity to revolutionize various industries by enhancing automation, security, and decision-making capabilities. With ongoing advancements in both blockchain and AI technologies, the possibilities for creating smarter, more autonomous systems are limitless.

About BuildBear

BuildBear is a platform tailored for DApp development and testing. Developers gain the freedom to construct a personalized Private Testnet sandbox across a variety of blockchain networks. The liberty to mint unlimited Native and ERC20 tokens, coupled with rapid transaction times on BuildBear (under 3 seconds!), enhances the DApp development lifecycle manifold. The platform comes equipped with tools designed for real-time testing and debugging, ensuring developers can keep tabs on intricate blockchain transactions with unparalleled ease.

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Author: Sana