How to Deploy Cross-Chain Smart Contract Using Hardhat Plugin.

How to Deploy Cross-Chain Smart Contract Using Hardhat Plugin.


4 min read

With the proliferation of blockchain networks, deploying smart contracts across multiple EVM blockchains has long been costly and time-consuming. The Multichain-Deploy Hardhat Plugin is a valuable tool developed by ChainSafe leveraging Sygma interoperability protocol for developers seeking efficient and cost-effective smart contract deployment on various blockchain networks.

Understanding Cross-Chain Smart Contracts.

Interoperability between blockchain ecosystems is the key to unlocking web3’s full potential. Cross-chain smart contracts are a new breed of decentralized application that can operate on multiple blockchains tapping into the unique features of different chains. Blockchain interoperability protocols allow contracts on one chain to communicate with contracts deployed on some other chain. Deploying the same smart contract across multiple blockchains with the same address can greatly improve user experience, especially for projects that need uniform addressing. However, deploying on different blockchain networks requires native gas payment on each adding complexity and affecting the developer experience negatively.

Benefits of the Hardhat Plugin for Cross-Chain Deployment

The Multichain-Deploy Hardhat Plugin simplifies the process of deploying smart contracts across multiple EVM blockchains while offering several key advantages:

  • Consistent Contract Addresses: The plugin ensures that each deployed instance of the smart contract receives the same address across all target chains. This eliminates the complexities associated with managing multiple addresses for the same contract across various chains, streamlining development and maintenance efforts.

  • Cost-Efficient Deployment: All contracts are deployed and triggered from a designated source chain, meaning developers only need to pay the gas or fees associated with the source chain. This significantly reduces deployment costs, making cross-chain development more accessible and economical.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: This enables projects to scale across multiple blockchains without compromising on consistency or efficiency. Developers can utilize the diverse features and ecosystems of different chains while maintaining a unified codebase and contract logic.

  • Developer-Friendly Workflow: Integration with Hardhat and Sygma's interoperability protocol offers an intuitive and efficient solution, enhancing the overall developer experience.

  • Interoperability: Facilitates seamless communication and data exchange between smart contracts deployed on different blockchains, promoting interoperability and fostering a more interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

Deploying Smart Contracts across Multiple Networks

Let us see how this works with the demonstration of deploying a sample smart contract across multiple blockchain networks. We will be using HardhatxBuildBear, which lets you create your own private testnet, forked from the mainnet, with your own Native and ERC20 Token faucet and blockchain Explorer. Find the working repository here.

Let us take a look at the simple smart contract with a single function to set a message.

carbon (3).png

Next, we need to set the hardhat config file requiring the dependencies and configuring the network.

Create your private testnet on Sepolia here. Copy and paste the RPC URL to the network configuration. The plugin currently supports the Sepolia, Mumbai, and Holesky testnets.

Screenshot from 2024-03-20 11-11-46.png

Note: Make sure to add your private key in the env file.

In the deployment script, specify the network arguments to determine the deployment network and pass the constructor arguments for the Solidity smart contract in this case the deployer address. Using the initData to interact with the 'setMessage' function of the smart contract and provide the necessary argument.


Now deploy to the mumbai network paying the gas fee only in MATIC token, make sure to have some test token in your account or get it from the faucet here.

npx hardhat run scripts/deployMultichain.ts --network mumbai

Your contract will be deployed to Mumbai, Sepolia, and Holesky successfully.

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Click on the link to Sygma Protocol Explorer to see the transaction details on different chains.

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Efficient cross-chain smart contract deployment is essential for unlocking the full potential of blockchain interoperability and maximizing cost savings. By leveraging tools like the Multichain-Deploy Hardhat Plugin, developers can deploy the same smart contract across multiple EVM blockchains with consistent addresses and optimized gas usage, paving the way for a more interconnected and scalable blockchain ecosystem.

About BuildBear

BuildBear is a platform tailored for DApp development and testing. Developers gain the freedom to construct a personalized Private Testnet sandbox across a variety of blockchain networks. The liberty to mint unlimited Native and ERC20 tokens, coupled with rapid transaction times on BuildBear (under 3 seconds!), enhances the DApp development lifecycle manifold. The platform comes equipped with tools designed for real-time testing and debugging, ensuring developers can keep tabs on intricate blockchain transactions with unparalleled ease.

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Author: Sana