Announcement: BuildBear Now Supports Polygon Amoy and Arbitrum Sepolia.

Announcement: BuildBear Now Supports Polygon Amoy and Arbitrum Sepolia.


2 min read

We're excited to share that BuildBear has expanded its network support to include Polygon Amoy and Arbitrum Sepolia. As the Goerli testnet is deprecated, developers are encouraged to transition to these reliable alternatives for seamless testing and deployment of smart contracts.

Why Polygon Amoy?

Polygon Amoy is a Sepolia-based test network for Polygon PoS that was replaced by Polygon mumbai. All features supported by BuildBear on mumbai network are also supported on Amoy, empowering developers with a familiar and efficient testing experience.

Introducing Arbitrum Sepolia

Arbitrum Sepolia mirrors the capabilities of Arbitrum One's main network on a testnet chain. Linked to the Sepolia testnet, it provides a secure environment for developers to experiment with and test their smart contracts before deploying them to the mainnet.

What Does This Mean for Developers?

Developers can now leverage native and ERC20 token faucets provided by BuildBear on these networks for effortless testing of functionalities within their smart contracts with enhanced developer tools and explorers for efficient development workflows.

With these additions, BuildBear continues its commitment to providing developers with cutting-edge solutions and a seamless experience in the rapidly evolving web3 landscape.

About BuildBear:

BuildBear is a specialized platform dedicated to dApp development and testing, offering developers the ability to craft customized Private Testnet sandboxes across multiple EVM and EVM-compatible blockchain networks With key features including private faucets for unlimited Native and ERC20 token minting, BuildBear empowers developers to build and test dApps with confidence and efficiency.

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